We had some excitement here today. Our house is in a small suburb completely surrounded by bushland/plantation/farmlets. There are several big fires raging at the moment, all around our little suburb. One was big enough and close enough that neighbors on the outskirts of the suburb were evacuated! I think we are out of danger now, but, there was some excitement in the neighborhood when the water-carrying helicopters flew in!
I've seen them on the news before, but never up close. Well, these ones flew in right over the houses, spectators and all, and dropped their hoses right in the lake across from our house! The round trip from the fire/water drop to the lake/water pickup was about 3 minutes, and there were 3 different copters. So about every 60 seconds we had a copter fly in, fill up and fly out. Sometimes there were two at once -- one in the upper part of the lake and one in the lower.
ALL the neighborhood came out to see -- it was the "talk of the town", for sure! Here are some photos:
Smoke from the fire
Maverick helicopter flying in over the houses and spectators
Picking up water from the lake
More water pickups
Now I can tell you that the kids were EXTREMELY excited by this, and 2yo JrSpragus can't stop talking about the helicopters.
I guess it's not something you see every day.
Neither is this.
Yes, that is a 2yo Jr Spragus sleeping at McDonalds and NOT eating his cookies. This has never happened before and probably never will again.
Wow. The memories. I don't think Toby really ever was that small, was he?
Dude, he's STILL that small. LOL!
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