What We Did Monday Instead of Spring Cleaning

We smelled the magnolia tree in full bloom.

We admired stinging weeds.
We dragged the dining table outside for lunch in the balmy breezy sunshine.
We had a nature scavenger hunt.

Baby got to enjoy the outdoors for a change, instead of taking a nap inside.

We peeked at Mamma.
We tested the square foot garden enclosures.
We did not regret Not Spring Cleaning and we never will.


ΕΥΘ. Ν. ΚΟΣΜΑΣ said...

very beautiful landscape.

SheBunni said...

I fully subscribe to your alternatives to spring cleaning! :) Who needs a house that's THAT clean, anyway?

Deb said...

Where did you get that afghan pattern? I like!!

Unknown said...

What a delicious post! Gorgeous pictures, and such a sense of joy in springtime. Your magnolia is astounding.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you (and more than a little jealous) that that tree turned out to be a magnolia, and an amazing specimen at that! Enjoy! Love, Han

The Arts Collective said...

The magnolia is magnificent! Your yard is wonderful, like a park...OH, guess what!! Over the last week, everything here turned green. We have our refreshing vistas once again! Love you XOXO

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