Fall means Back To School

Roks started kindergarten this fall.
He especially likes the "garten" part. Most especially the "callerpilter" part of the "garten" part. This 3.5" caterpillar eating the Japanese maple was a Polyphemus moth-to-be. This was the first caterpiller we've ever seen that Roks wouldn't touch. Roks thought the caterpillar might take a pretty good bite out of him if it had a mind to.
Miss Rose saved up her allowance for a long time, and bought herself a brand new sewing machine.
Then she sat and taught Roks to use her little sewing machine.
School is fun. Actually, sewing is "CooL."
The Gater has learned how to grow teeth.
Mamma's making progress on the never-ending-afghan. But she's having to put it away for a while to make time for other projects.... It's holiday season right around the corner!


The Arts Collective said...

Your school looks like fun...can I come? I wanna do Kindergarten again!
Wow, what a whopper of a weird alien-like caterpillar! And I love the new sewing machine--can just imagine all the beautiful projects which will be coming forth! Love you all XO

Cracked Pot said...

Are you sure that caterpillar was only 3.5" it looked more like 3.5'? Looks like you guys were having fun though.

Alipurr said...

Loved looking at your wonderful school pics. Your children are growing so fast, and so is your beautiful afghan!!! Cool on the new sewing machine

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