
Brrr! It's chilly! It's been chilly all day. Miss Rose was loving the cooler weather though and was begging to play outside. It was such a change, to see her running around out there in long jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, hood pulled over her head!

One benefit to doing the chores is that I get to stand by windows and look out at the wonderful yard. Yesterday I saw doves, robins, blue jays and cardinals -- and a lot of squirrels.

Today, guess what I saw as I was folding laundry in the bay window? A beautiful red-headed woodpecker.

Tonight I took some books back to the library, and dashed into the thrift store, where I lucked out!:
When I came home, Daddy and the children were having a great time. The house was quiet and dark, except for voices coming from the stereo.
Here they all were, with hot chocolates and marshmallows, curled up in front of the first fire of the season -- lights out, snuggly and warm -- listening to the Focus on the Family The Magician's Nephew from the CS Lewis Narnia Series.

I'd say that was a pretty decent way to end the day.


Deb said...



MoeyMichele said...

Whoa! You are some quick commentin' woman! LOL!

The Arts Collective said...

What a GORGEOUS day!! I loved the pic of the kids all cuddled up in front of the fireplace!!
Just to share my good day, I had just a limited amount of money to try to buy curtains on sale at the Cannington Spotlight. When I got there, most of the sale ones were gone and what was left was yuuuuuck, but lo and behold they had the continuous curtaining (magic curtains) on sale for $9.95/metre (usually $30) so I was able to buy enough for 3 rooms. J. wanted a different color for his room but I had enough left over cash to get exactly what he wanted! Not quite in the class with your thrift store finds, but I was pleased and didn't go over budget!
Love you all--Thanks for the great photos and sharing your wonderful day! Mammam

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures!! Sorry I haven't been in touch over the past few days - I've been busy with Jess's b'day party. There are some pics on my Facebook page. I'm happy to hear that things are looking a little brighter in general. Love you!! Han

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