
After being "undecided" as to whether or not to celebrate Halloween this year, we finally decided to join the fun.

Grandma made and delivered these cute cookies.

I made Joman's sandwich costume, out of tissue paper, butcher paper, twine, and a cardboard box. Can you tell?

The other costumes are up to 12 years old, and saved. Baby's was purchased by Grandma S. for the first baby we lost, before conceiving Miss Rose. I'm glad we saved it all this time. Jr Spragus' costume was made for Joman when HE was three years old. Mammam made Miss Rose's costume several years ago as a Christmas present. It used to be big on her! She's such a young lady now, she wore REAL PANTYHOSE with it.

There were SO many children out and about. We set chairs at the end of the driveway with our jack-o-lanterns lit; big bowl all ready with candy to hand out. Lots of nice little kids, with nice friendly parents.

Do you see mamma's little treat?
Coming to live with us on Monday :-)
It was great getting to meet some of the neighbors we hadn't met yet, and their kids; we discovered that an old friend from high school is living just a few doors down with her hubby and four children. Our next door neighbors saved some special presents for our children -- some books and coloring books; and their son who lives with them, and who keeps a wonderful garden, gave us all the green tomatoes he had, since it will frost this week and end the season.

The deer came out to see the fuss and to visit the neighbor-across-the-street's vegetable garden while they are away in California; the police were patrolling the streets in their cruisers and handing out candy (which my children were really impressed with.)

I made some spiced apple cider, which we brought out in a big red pot and shared with our grown-up neighbors.

It was a good, neighborly sort of night and I'm so glad we participated, after all.


Deb said...

Aw kitty!! :-) Whatcha gonna name it?

MoeyMichele said...

Dunno! I'll have to think up something creative and intelligent, like me. Bwa ha ha.

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