Balmy Weather, Fair Friends

Today we had a visit from friends who dropped by to bring us a fresh pie; and who stayed in the sunny, warm weather, to enjoy the yard and play for a couple of hours. The day was relaxed and lovely, just visiting with another mamma while the children made "clay", and built a teepee at the side of the house.

Uncle D is over for dinner just now. As we were supping sweet potato pie and hazelnut coffee around the table -- after enjoying tasty soup, smoky Walts' Barbecue, some quiet discussion by the campfire, along with a little flashlight experimentation and a great deal of after-dark tire-swinging in the surprisingly balmy (for November) evening, I noticed that Jr Spragus had enjoyed making a little party of his own. As I am sitting typing this post, he is here with me. "Those is my friends," says he.

And so, I suppose, they are.Meanwhile, the baby quietly begins an occupation which will take him far in a life such as ours.

Have a wonderful day!


Deb said...

I am happy that you had a better day today. You deserve many, many more of those. :-)

Love you!


The Arts Collective said...

What a wonderful, relaxing day! Love you! XOXOXO Mammam

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