This is for you, Deb.
There are no pics, because I haven't taken any.
It's autumn, did you know that? The days are shortening, the dark is lengthening, the temperature is cooling, the furnace is heating.
Leaves are falling. Whoop-de-do. Now I catch glimpses of cars zooming down the freeway, and soon I'll see the whole screaming stream of traffic. Yay for me.
Mosquitoes are biting, squirrels are hoarding, trees are dying or drying or dropping or falling. Clouds are gathering, sunshine is weakening.
Somebody, somewhere, is glad it's autumn. Somebody, somewhere, is happy to see colors changing, and pumpkins, and to be playing in the leaves. Somebody, somewhere, wants to enjoy hot chocolate in front of the blazing fire. Somebody, somewhere, is looking forward to the first snow and icicle eaves.
Yep, all those precious things reminding us that this is autumn, again, in America.
This is autumn. Again. In America.