Tea is Exciting

Flower tea 1

Flower tea 2

Flower tea 3

Flower tea 5


You all know I love tea. I love it, I do, it's just the thing. There is never a time, ever, when I don't love tea. My favorite cup of tea: the one the nurses bring you in Swan Districts Hospital right after you have delivered a baby.

Have you seen flower tea? This is my kids' most favorite. A little monster-ball, dropped gently in steaming hot water, and as it brews: suddenly a flower pops out and the ball is transformed into a bouquet resting in the bottom of your glass teapot. Tea is exciting, oh yes.


Joy said...

I love tea too! Thanks for sharing!
Also, if you like, Moey, stop by my shop on Etsy (www.JoyfullyYours.etsy.com) and pick out a "tea time" card and I'll send it to you free of charge. My gift with blessings!
Of course, please let me know which one you choose.

MoeyMichele said...

Well! Thank you for making my day. Your cards are lovely and you are so kind and generous! I sent you a little message. :) Thank you again!

Joy said...

You are very welcome! I'll get the card in the mail to you a.s.a.p.

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